It’s not always easy to write about my days. Especially when I don’t feel they’re very eventful in the first fucking place, what with my no job havin’ ass. So the last few days haven’t been very eventful, but tiring nonetheless.
Sunday I woke up and attempted to do a morning stream before the day’s tutoring session. The stream wasn’t too bad. I think I got two new followers on the channel, even. So I may try more Sunday morning streams, in the future, while I drink coffee and wake up. The games were pretty good to me that morning, too, considering I got 13 out of my 15 weekly wins in Historic Ranked.
After the stream I got ready for the tutoring session with one of my WordPress students. We got off to a bit of a rough start in the session, but after we learned how we each communicate I think we’re at a good common ground to where we’ll be able to continue working together, which is good, because they did schedule the next session with me. After that I had to contact the Varsity Tutors support because my Monday follow-up from Friday’s appointment was no longer on my calendar. The support team had to contact the students’ support team members to discuss if this was in error.
From there I heated up lunch and took a short breather before getting ready to head over to Josh’s childhood home to help repair their fence from the storm.
We proceeded to work rebuilding the fence for around 5 or 6 hours with my help, after they had already been there several hours prior in the morning. The back of my neck and arms got pretty well burned as my back was mostly to the sun. We got as much of the fence built as we could and then covered the remaining hole while his dad can go get more posts, cuz we ran out. After that I helped bundle up branches and shit and then I had to head home to figure out dinner.
Ces wanted me to go to the store on the way home, which I was hoping to not have to do but she wanted to make me a steak. So I got to Aldi and what do you know, I forgot my fuckin’ wallet at home. So I had to come home anyways. I took a quick shower to clean off before heading back out, though. I at least wanted to leave as a clean person. LoL!
After dinner we hung out watching tv for a bit before I got on the computer to work on stuff before going to bed.
The next morning I woke up to thankfully seeing that they recovered my appointment and I was still meeting with my Monday student. Since Ces drove herself to work I made myself a chorizo omelet for breakfast, along with coffee. I found this new creamer that’s like chocolate fudge whipped creamer. It’s really good in a dark roast coffee.
After breakfast I got ready for the lesson. This session went really well, also. That student wanted to meet sooner, so I scheduled her for another lesson on Thursday. So I’m thankful that she wants to keep meeting so frequently. Additionally, she offered to send my resume to the tech company she’s doing the writing for, so my fingers are crossed that I hear something back.
After my lesson I did more job searches, then made more edits to the Twitch channel and troubleshoot my computer more. I’d been trying to diagnose my inability to get a bluetooth controller connected on my motherboard, that has built-in wifi and bluetooth. So at first I was thinking my USB Hub was the cause, because it’s an old one that has a bluetooth receiver in it. I got it a really long time ago to try to use bluetooth XBox controllers on my computer. So when I unplugged that and it still didn’t work, I was getting more concerned. So the next logical step for me was to try to make my PC discoverable to try to connect my phone to it. But that didn’t work either.
After that I found a bunch of updates from the Asus site for all that stuff, but that still didn’t seem to fix it. Sadly I think the wifi and bluetooth chip on this motherboard is bad. Once I discovered that I looked into my transaction and found that I was outside of the 2 week mark. So I contacted the Microcenter support and managed to get that extended so Josh and I can take the motherboard out, tomorrow, and take in to be replaced. *sigh* This means I have to reseat my processor and all that fun shit, too. Yaaaaaay.
After that I got more shit done around the house before Ces got home and we heated up dinner and hang out a bit before tonight’s stream.
The stream was alright. I added a bunch of stuff for interaction on the channel, that Josh and my wife messed around with a bit in tonight’s stream, too. I managed to get a really sick win where I usurped my opponent’s win by managing to get Born in the Wind and start casting all my spells during his turn, after he used Show and Tell to put both our Omnisciences into play. LoL! It was so epic I had to clip it myself.
After the stream I got off and started writing this post. Now I’m headed to bed. Nite y’all!