Still more car troubles

Woke up this morning, and had my days all screwed around. Ces and I headed to Pep-Boys to pick up my car. She dropped me off at Pep-Boys to pick up my car, while she went next door to Whataburger to grab a quick breakfast. (We don’t normally eat fast food, but we were limited on choices.)

When we got back home to drop my car off, I had to call back the shop because I couldn’t use my new handle to get out. LoL. Gonna have to find time to take the car back up and get that fixed.

After eating breakfast, we headed out to what I thought was a Christmas party for an organization I volunteer with. On the way out there, we’re heading down Beltway 8 when I asked the group what time we were meeting at. Come to find out, we were doing our board meeting this weekend, and the next weekend is the Christmas party. Not to mention, we still had like 2 hours to get there. So I turned around to head back home, because I had to pick up my laptop.

Ces stayed home and I headed over to the meet my colleagues for our annual meeting. I took some of my left over cookies for everyone to try, too. They seemed to be a real hit! And I’m happy to also note that they were still great after a week being stored in a bag. For lunch, we also had these tofu hotdogs with fries and these really great bread and butter pickles. (I didn’t grab the name of the restaurant, to know where.) They were really great hotdogs, too. Even for tofu, they tasted great!

We had a great meeting, and then I had to leave at 4:00 to go meet Ces and Josh’s family at Chili’s.

I managed to get to the restaurant just as Danny and his folks were arriving. We headed into the restaurant and sat down for dinner. On my way into the restaurant, I snapped a pic of this beautiful rose that was bloomed in front of the restaurant.


After dinner, Cecily and I went across the street to look around Target, and then we came back home to get ready for bed.

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