Productive Thursday

The past few days I’m thankful that at least in some way, things have finally been picking up for me.

Last night’s stream went pretty well. I had eight viewers, and 5 active chatters. It was cool finally having a little interaction. Honestly it was a nice return to the channel after a few weeks off dealing with the anxiety attacks I started having coping with the realization of our new situation.

I managed to get a few good wins in and rank back up a little bit in Historic. Played a few games with my buddy ShadowRavenclaw, and then decided to open a draft pack.

My draft pack pulls were awesome! I got some neat classic borders, including Utvara Hellkite, as well as Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God. I’m still undecided on just what I’m going to do with Nicol Bolas, but Utvara is replacing the normal border one already in my Ur Dragon deck.

This morning I woke up and took my wife to work so I could return home and do some work looking for jobs. I was originally intending to go out and apply at a local smoke shop for some part time work. But fortunately, when I got on the computer to check, I had like five evaluations, each for different jobs I applied for on Indeed. So instead of going to workout with my brother and then going to put in an application at the smoke shop, I decided to grind out those evaluations.

I still had 2 to go before I had to get ready to go into a first lesson with a new student on Varsity Tutors. I’m thankful that as of next week, I have 3 different students to go over WordPress with. I really enjoy these opportunities as it gets me working with different people solving problems for their websites.

Today my student mostly did the driving through a journey of self discovery on the features that WordPress has to offer. All the while, I was there to answer any questions and explain the features out to the fullest extent that I could.

We got a lot of their questions answered and I think they walked away with a better sense of how they’ll accomplish their project after I walked them through their own resolutions.

After that I did my wrap-up and invoiced them, and then I proceeded to call the last student that I’ve yet to meet with. I was thankful to get to chat with that student and get them scheduled for Monday, so I have a lesson on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of next week.

It’s not much, but I hope each one grows from there, just like how my experience working with started with my helping them in Varsity Tutors, and ended with me taking over and finishing off the website project for them, due to being over inundated with their work. I’m looking forward to my next meet-up with that client, because before their break we were discussing a facelift, which would be a good deal more work to come my way, and greatly appreciated right now.

I still think it’s funny. I tried so hard to become the Scrum Master for the past jobs I worked, and I’m essentially doing that for these students I meet on Varsity Tutors, to help them grow their websites. And all the while, I try to apply it to my sites, too.

One of the new students is a blog, also. So I can try to get ideas to update my shit, here. LoL.

Yesterday I decided to mess around with my outfit to try to do that whole ‘Manifestation’ thing. LoL. So I wanted to manifest my next job, while staying cool during the heat we had. So I decided to be a Hecking Good Shenanigan’s Coordinator. I felt that was appropriate to share here, as I’m trying to establish myself as one solo.

I’ve got two new sites coming up for a friend. One for his auto shop, Antoine Auto Care, and another for a dealership he’s starting soon. I’m looking forward to helping him get those launched. More updates to come later.

After having the tutoring lesson I then made a callout to the one student I’ve yet to meet with. Fortunately, that student answered this call. Thankful they did, too, cuz their voicemail was full last time I called. I got them scheduled for next week, and so I’ll have a tutoring lesson on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of next week. (Not much, but it’s work, nonetheless. So looking forward to it.)

While doing all this, I took care of a lot of stuff around the house in between all my tasks. I finally got to cleaning out an old sewing kit Mimi and Papa gave us, since she doesn’t sew anymore. Going through them I found a bunch of thread and then the perfect solution to fix an issue I’d been having with my Fallout costume.

I found these new sew clasps that I was able to put on the front flap. Now I can snap the flap shut over the zipper to stay down. Last time I wore this to Diablo’s Halloween party, I had to get a safety pin to stop it from flapping out. So this worked perfectly! Looking forward to wearing it out again, someday. I had hoped for a Fallout prerelease to wear it to, but WotC didn’t do one.

Pretty much all that kept me occupied right up until I had to leave to go get Cecily.

We came back home and hung out for a little while before we went to grab Josh and head out to our chiro to get an adjustment. We decided to do dinner after cuz we weren’t that hungry yet and had little Private Selection frozen dinners we wanted to try.

After the chiro we hung out at our place for a little while cuz Josh and Cecily have been watching Delicious in Dungeon, so we try to watch the new episode together after the chiro on Thursdays. LoL! We got to hanging out for a bit and then I took Josh home so I could come back to try to do a ‘Throwback Thursday’ stream. I had been toying with the idea for a bit, and decided since I’m trying to get back into streaming this week, to just go ahead and do it. So I started playing the Fallout series, since I’ve never played a single one. So hopefully I’ll see new peeps on Thursdays as I get my ass kicked in the wasteland.

Before taking Josh home we stopped off at Kroger to check the clearance, like we usually do. We found some really good picks, including a huge jar of peanut butter for sandwiches. Gotta love Clearance finds when money’s tight.

I took Josh home and came back for a late start on the stream of my first ever playthrough of Fallout. Which . . . . . . . lasted about an hour.

I got my ass stomped by 4 Radscorpions when traveling between vaults. LoL! I suck, oh well. Oh, and forgot to mention that I didn’t save any progress, either, so I have to start completely over next week. LMAO!

After that, I start this post, but it began getting to long to write so I drafted it and saved the rest for Friday morning and got ready for bed.

I’m glad things are picking up for me, at least some way, but shit now I gotta be getting plenty of sleep for how busy I’ve been getting, lately.

See y’all next time.

(FYI This was where I intended to close the post out with a link to the day’s stream, in an effort to tie things together and show y’all, buuuuuuuuuut when I went to check for last night’s ‘Throwback Thursday’ stream, it didn’t get saved. Sooooooo . . . . gonna have to work with Dree to figure out why the hell that happened, and stop it so my future TBT streams don’t get lost.)

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