Mother’s Day Weekend

This weekend’s been pretty hectic.

I started out Friday by getting things to go get the trunk fixed on our ’15 Accent. After getting back from taking Cecily to work I did some more job searches and made sure to finish the rest of my evaluations for job applications from earlier in the week. Then made a call to get the parts I needed on hold at the only Autozone that a pair of the trunk struts.

When I was getting ready to head out I noticed a 2x paid immediate tutoring session for Microsoft Excel. I managed to hop into that and help the student accomplish their goal in 15 minutes, so that I could then pick up Josh and head to Antoine Auto Care.

We first headed to pick up the parts and then grabbed lunch at HopDoddy’s. After lunch we stopped off at this new shop I found to show Josh, Third Coast Smoke. We hung out and chatted with one of the owners there, and I’m hoping to hear back from them about going with me for their site. I love the art they have on the side of their building. It’s absolutely beautiful.

At the shop we hung out for a bit and got the trunk taken care of. Then I talked to them about getting their site started. So I’m looking forward to getting that launched for them soon enough.

After that we headed to pick Cecily up from work and head home where I cooked beer brats and sauerkraut with pretzels. Then after hanging out for a bit longer I took Josh back home so I could come back home to stream with friends on a game of SpellTable.

It actually wound up being my highest watched stream ever. Unfortunately, it didn’t get saved. I’m trying to figure out why that’s happening now.

On Saturday Ces and I woke up to head to the chiropractor like normal, and then we stopped at one of our favorite restaurants, B. AM Cocina. I freaking love their Concha breakfast sandwich. They have some of the softest and sweetest tasting conchas.

Then we headed back home to take care of things around the house. Josh came over and worked with Cecily on a revision of my resume that is, as they say, less intimidating. They hope for it to help with a career change, cuz my IT resume is too intimidating for the entry level jobs, and they think it’s getting me overlooked. While they were doing that I tried to get an early start on what I think would look nice for Third Coast.

When it was time for dinner, we met Josh’s family at Lasagna House. Dinner was pretty good. I decided to give their Chicago roast beef sandwich because I wasn’t that hungry. After dinner we came back home and watched some shows while I worked on the computer. Unfortunately, we were met with a little surprise though. Poor Tesla gave us a huge scare!

We let him out of the crate and laid in the bed with him for a bit. He seemed fine at first, but then we got suspicious when he didn’t move and we wound up napping with him between us for an hour. So then I tried to get him to go eat. Soon as he walks out into the dining room, surprisingly he started peeing in the middle of the floor, which he doesn’t normally do! So I rushed him outside where he could finish his business, but instead of peeing he pooped twice! Then when we got him back inside he could barely stand straight! He’d instead be wobbling. We’re pretty sure he may have had another seizure while in the crate while we were at dinner.

To monitor him, we hung out in my room while I worked on the computer. Ces stayed with him on the sofa while we watched ‘Evil’. I’ve really gotten into it. I like how they approach theology from a technological, psychological, and theological standpoint. It’s really entertaining.

Today we woke up and Cecily baked mini breakfast quiches and we hung out drinking coffee until it was time to head to my sister’s new house to meet for Mother’s Day. We went out to their new place in Brookshire to hang out eating burgers. I gave my mom her big gift, which was her favorite Chuck Norris shirt autographed by him, framed. It was a group gift from all of us. Then I also gave my sisters and mom a candle. For my sisters, it’s the one that says “Oh look, mom’s last nerve. It’s on fire.” and then for my mom, I gave her “You raised me and I gave you this candle, I think we’re even.” LoL.

We took Tesla out to Brookshire with us. He played around with Remy in their yard and did surprisingly well for having chickens, roosters, and geese walking around all over with him.

After dinner we headed back home to get ready to start our week. We had to do grocery shopping and then came home to finish everything else up. Then we went to Ces’ work to clear out her desk and bring home the standing desk and monitor mount. I had to give Tesla a bath, because he had gotten oil on his face from walking around outside.

Time to head to bed to start it all over.

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