Ooooooookay, so this weekend’s been busy as hell and I’ve barely had the energy to wanna write about it, but now I’ve got some of the battery recharged to a point that I feel like writing after tonight’s stream.
First and foremost I started Saturday off with a breakfast from my beautiful wife while I had to get ready to go to Josh’s parents’ to finish the fence, or as much as we could. While there we chatted about all the basic shit. You know, life, liberty, pursuit of sanity and what not. This weekend was hotter than fuckballs, too. During the morning I managed to smash the shit out of my thumb and fuck up my wrists a bit working with the saw.
We managed to get all the wood we had up and got much of the cleanup done before Josh, his dad, and I were all basically dead tired. When his dad said we could leave the rest of the cleanup for later I finished the last bit I was doing and was begging to go home and shower. I never mind the physical work, but I never liked how I feel after it. Especially sweatin’ your ass off in Houston humidity.
After I got home I showered and did everything I could to relax a bit before it was time to go to dinner.
We met the family at an Italian restaurant, Adriatic Cafe. At first I was really hesitant because I reviewed the location out in Jersey Village many years ago and they were some of the worst Italian food I’ve had before. But I wanted to have dinner with the family, so I went anyways. When getting there I was surprised at how much nicer the place was, though. Unlike the first location, this was its own stand-alone building, and the interior was well dressed. They had garlic knots at the table which were really well seasoned and delicious.
I decided to just get the salmon and veggies. The filet was a really good portioned filet, so I wasn’t displeased with that. However I wish they hadn’t over cooked it, like every restaurant does. Plus I was disappointed that they didn’t leave the skin on. But the overall flavor was there, and it wasn’t too overcooked to oblivion, so it was acceptable. The veggies were steamed veggies, and pretty basic, but not bad. All in all it wasn’t too bad. My wife decided to get a pizza which was pretty good, though. The crust is well made and they did a good job making it double pepperoni, according to her. They did cheese, pepperoni, cheese, pepperoni.
After dinner we headed back home and I kinda just vegged out and relaxed for the rest of the evening to get ready for Sunday.
Sunday was pretty fun. I woke up in the morning to breakfast from Ces before getting ready for Sunday’s stream. I was thinking about calling it ‘Casting Brews’ given that we were gonna hang out to coffee in the morning and play our Commander decks on SpellTable.
This Sunday’s game was just Flamelord712, Slowflood, and myself playing. I ran the Mardu deck with Caesar as the commander, from the Fallout set, while Flame played his new Rakdos deck and Slowflood was piloting Sakashima. That was after a first quick game where Slowflood ran Fynn and I had Krenko while Flame still had Rakdos. However, Slowflood fucking wiped us in 4 turns with a massively aggro opening hand.
The second game went the full stream and was pretty crazy. Constantly slapping back and forth between all of us. But I managed to squeak out an epic win against Flamelord after Slowflood got taken out first. This was because I managed to get a Windbrisk Height that hid an opponents’ only board wipe. Then when he attacked me his next turn I managed to exile his biggest attacking creature and give me 6 tokens. That next turn, the 6 tokens plus my existing attackers gave me enough to trigger the Hideaway and wiping his board for a full unblocked attack. LoL. It was nuts. (I’ll have to come back later and clip in the win to the post.)
After that we got ready to head out to see my cousin Sheila for a bit before going to our nephew’s dance event.
They were already having lunch, so before we got there we decided to grab some Mexican at a nearby restaurant for lunch called Casa Nueva. The food very much reminded me of my favorite Mexican food in childhood from Marco’s Mexican Restaurant, but done well! It’s very traditional Americanized Mexican dishes, but the quality of the food was really good. Also, I LOVE that they do lunch portions all week, not just M-F. Thank you for that, b/c I eat lunch EVERY day of the fucking week, guys!
I decided to get their fajita lunch trio that comes with enough beef, chicken, and shrimp, for a taco of each. The beef was tender and cut against the grain and not chewy, which i was happy about. Most other restaurants that serve that style of Mexican food, in my experience, have very chewy beef fajita meat.
After lunch we got to Sheila’s and hung out chatting with everyone. They were out smoking in the back yard chatting, and I wound up getting into a long conversation with my cousin’s husband who is the most decorated Veteran I’ve ever had the pleasure of having a good long conversation with. The man had some of the best points I’ve heard about the military, about the differences in our lives, but the one thing that I will say I got as the biggest takeaway from my conversation with this man, was that he saw me and made me feel like I could have belonged in the service along side him.
We got to talking about all the shit I went through and how badly I got hazed in my time in BCT. And it was he who even recognized that how I was treated, and how I was singled out, was hazing. I felt like it was, but to have somebody put the name to it kind of just makes it feel worse, too. But I did appreciate the fact that he knew I wanted to be there to do a job and I wanted to do it well, and he was awesome enough to tell me that he still would’ve considered me a Brother in arms and be there for me.
Seriously wish that I had met MORE like him while I was in the service, but sadly I got the asshole typical jocks that only saw me as a fucker to take advantage of and fuck with.
Cecily came out to ask if I was ready to go, so I wrapped up my conversation with him and got ready to head over to meet her family for the dance.
I was leaving with a bit of a new feeling of self-worth after that conversation, because I was happy that at least one person who was a well decorated war-time veteran actually saw me for who I wanted to be during that time in my life, and made me feel like one of his own.
We got to the dance event and because it was outside, it was freaking hotter than hell still. I didn’t get much time to sit down while I was there, b/c soon as we got there I had to go get fans for my sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and wife cuz of the scorching heat. Then I went back to go get my cup filled with water and got my wife a Starry to settle her stomach. And wouldn’t ya know, as soon as I got back with her drink, I had to take a piss. LoL. So back to go to the restroom before coming back to sit down JUST in time for my nephew’s dance. Aaaaaand then we were ready to go after he was done, cuz nobody was staying for the full event. LoL!
After that we headed back to my siter-in-law’s place to hang out for a bit with pizza and visiting. After dinner we all sat around chatting while my nephew fell asleep. We had some good visits talking about what all has been going on in everyone’s lives. While we were hanging out and chatting, we got into the discussion about the tests I had been taking off recently. We started discussing the tests on their site, because my sis is familiar with them. Then we discussed what my results showed me might be going on. It felt nice to discuss it with some people that are happy to understand me and help me understand them. I just can’t stand the ones that either just tell me to shut up or throw me away just because of who I am, when I don’t mean to be well . . . . mean.
Anyways, so after a good chat we came back home to get some rest because I was fucking done. We came back home and Ces went to bed while I chilled for a little bit doing my usual wind down before I crashed.
Memorial Day Monday, however, was uneventful and I’m fucking glad.
It wasn’t supposed to be uneventful though. Ces woke me up with breakfast while I got ready for my psych appointment, followed by my tutoring session. However my tutoring student had to reschedule due to life events. Which is okay, I was thankful for the day of rest. So the only thing I had scheduled was my appointment, and then all we had left was groceries and a Nellis pick-up.
My appointment was a good one with my doc. I’m hoping the additions she’s recommending I try help with no real side effects. I know the weight gain needs to be watched, so I just need to be careful with my activity level. In addition to that, we also discussed the tests and everything. It kind of feels good to now have a doctor that’s confirmed the tests, too.
After the appointment Ces and I just hung out around the apartment chilling out and relaxing. We watched a lot of the Bones marathon they had going on while we just did stuff around the house and planned the grocery pick-up before heading out to Nellis.
We took Tesla to go get the Nellis pick-up, first. THAT was a fun fucking trip, let me tell you. LoL!
The drive there was uneventful. We got there early, it was a smooth ride and everything. The trip back, however, was a different story. First we had to stop off for gas, because it was getting low. So we stopped off at an Exxon because it was nearest.
Then while fueling up Cecily was getting hungry and I had to go to the restroom, too. So I asked what she wanted and ran in to take care of business. When I went to check out the cashier was standing there and asked me how I was doing. So I responded “I’m not doin to bad. How’re you doing?”
I got the most cross look from this man, the moment I asked him how he was, as if I’d just offended him. Then he pops off telling me something like “How do you think I’m doing. Even if there’s a holiday, there’s always work for me selling to you.” I just snapped up from what I was doing instantly, and just looked at him and flat out said “Oh, I hear you brother. I know how hard it is out there always feeling like there’s nothing but work. Let me tell you, I’m a fucking unemployed IT professional having to work odd jobs because I can only find little jobs that pay well here and there with MY skillsets, otherwise I have no choice but to take a SEVERE pay cut to go into something like retail, so instead I’m doing my best to try to make my own business out there doing projects for others.”
He kind of shut up with his bitching after that one, and then we commiserated together for the rest of the transaction, discussing both our struggles we also experienced in the real estate market.
I truly hope that he gets a new appreciation for the fucking job he has in this current and turbulent economic times, now that he’s had a bit of a taste of what others’ reality is like to show him that maybe he doesn’t have it QUITE so fucking bad to be working on a Memorial Day tending to an empty gas station and bitching to his one customer about he he’s probably ‘Not even supposed to be here today.’ (Sorry, had to.)
After that I got back into the car to head home and then back out for our groceries.
After groceries we came home and I tried to get things cleaned up around the house from groceries and Nellis while Ces cooked hot dogs for dinner with veggie chips. Then we sat down watching Bones for a bit longer before I had to get ready for my Monday night stream and then ready to wrap up the night.
Tonight’s stream was pretty great, too! I managed to get my 9th subscription putting me 1 remaining for my goal of 10. Fingers crossed I get that 1 I need, soon!
Now it’s time to get ready for bed.