I’m back, bitches!

After some difficulties with the old server, I managed to get migrated to a new hosting provider and back up.

Things have been pretty hectic, the past few weeks.

First, my car starts messing up. I’m getting a Coil misfire on valve 1, so I’m gonna take it over to my buddies at Antoine Auto Care to get it taken care of. I’m also considering asking if they can help me to sell it so I can get a newer vehicle for my wife and I stop having to drive stick, especially in a car with no stereo and no ports for phone chargers.

That being said, it makes it kind of hard to look for work without fully reliable transportation. Luckily I’m making work where I can, too.

I found out about my car breaking down the day I was supposed to be leaving to go help my friend Succulent Scribbles run their booth at Stratosfur 2024 to help her out again, like I did last year. Overall the convention was pretty good. I didn’t come back to check it out on my day off, b/c of everything I’ve had going on, but I checked out one booth across from her and got some neat pins for my vest. One that’s a bloody knife, and another one that I got a second one for my bro’s vest, that says I’m #NSFW. LMAO. I then got my wife and I these really cute Corgi luggage tags for our luggage on trips. I felt she’d love them, and she did. I couldn’t spend a whole lot more, but I wanted at least something.

Sunday I was too tired to stream for my Brawls and Brews. (I really freaking hate that some of these platforms won’t let me use the word ‘brews’ for some stupid reason. But I’ll continue to call it that, IDGAF.)

On Monday I managed to get another student on Varsity, which is awesome. In addition to that, I had a great retro with my Liquor store client regarding the changes I made to the site, and received full payment from them. Seriously loving being paid to do things I enjoy doing, and paid what I feel is my fair price for my skills, and all it takes is communicating my WHY behind what I’m doing, to give them the best understanding of the course of action. I never got that level of communication from customers, but that’s why these are my clients.

Monday evening I was feeling a bit recharged and decided to try to stream. We hopped on SpellTable to meet and play. I played the Urza precon, this time, to get the feel of it. The first game was pretty crazy and fun. LoL. I didn’t get to do much through most of the game due to shut down by freaking Blind Obedience, cuz most of my mana was in artifacts, not land. Thankfully somebody did some shenanigans that I managed to keep myself alive from. At that point, it was left to Urza, and my friend and his Mishra deck. I managed to have a higher board state and took over quickly.

Tuesday was an interesting one. I didn’t get to do a whole lot due to the weather, but I drove my wife to work and came home to do some errands and shit around the house while I job searched. I reached out to some people in my network to try to find more help, and one agreed to meet Wednesday to help with my resume, so I was happy about that. On my way back to pick up Ces, I was stuck in traffic on 610 for a while next to a truck that’s a mobile repairman. I noticed his website, so I went to check it out only to be met with a DNS Probe Failure error, which I’m well versed in diagnosing. So when I caught back up I called the number, hoping the driver would pick up. He did! LMAO! He answered and I asked “Is this *business name* in the *car description* on 610?” and he’s like “Yeah.” and I told him “I’m in the silver car next to you. You having as much fun as I am?!” LoL! Then I proceeded to tell him that I called to say that I checked his site and saw the error, and explained that I could help fix that error and get him a small website up in a week, if he’d like to discuss it when he’s able to. He agreed and asked me to text him when I got to my wife’s work to safely text! I couldn’t freaking believe that worked! (I later told my wife that, and she explained that the term for what happened was ‘Prospecting’ whereas Josh and I’d just refer it as ‘fishing’. Then again, she’s got the decade experience being a bomb ass sales assistant.)

Today was pretty lazy. Woke up and the power was out so I decided to sleep in and get more rest, hoping it’d be back on when I woke up. After that, woke up later and had breakfast and did more job searching and everything. Then I did things around the house to get ready for my meeting with my friend who is helping me with career transition coaching. I’m seriously grateful to be getting THIS level of help because THIS is what I’ve been looking for, but everybody else wants money. Or I don’t feel like anybody actually is listening to me when I say it doesn’t make sense. So now I’m going to be meeting with her on a regular basis to help step by step everything. Obviously, our first sprint is Resume refinement. I’m just waiting on the material for me to review, so I can begin the process. Wish me luck! LoL!

After dinner I hopped on the stream to play some Arena and check out the Festival event celebrating the 30th anniversary. I built a Nicol Bolas Brawl deck to run for it. It was a struggle, that’s for sure. I got shut down a few times, but I got to do some pretty cheeky shenanigans. LMAO! It was a fun deck so I’m not mad that I paid in Wild Cards to build it. I did managed to get all the cosmetics. Which the last one is my favorite, as it’s a Phyrexian text Sheoldred, The Apocalypse.

Now that the day’s done, time to head to bed.

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