I know it’s been a while since I posted. It’s been hectic with everything going on, lately. Today, we decided to take the dogs to the park a day early, because the weather was supposed to get crappy on Monday. While we were there, there were so many Corgis that showed up, it was so cute! Tesla tried to have the best time he could, too. We stuck around for about an hour.
We walked around with the dogs and hung out at for a bit, and there was one dog that really had a thing for Tesla. He kept following us around, and antagonizing Tesla to the point of frustration. When I noticed the dog would not let off of Tesla, Josh and I decided to go walking around the park, to the other side, and see if the dog would go back to his owner. Evidently, we thought wrong, because he continued to be Tesla’s shadow. Eventually, the dog’s owner came to try to get his attention, while we were walking and talking. I had to start trying to separate them because Tesla was becoming noticeably frustrated. This dog was constantly trying to bite Telsa on the top of his neck, and Tes would keep trying to get away from him and snap at him to stop. When the dog’s owner came up, she asked of my dog was a female. When I explained that Tesla is a boy, she made the statement “Oh, I guess my dog’s ‘gay’ for your dog, then.” To which I responded with “No, actually what your dog is doing is an attempt to establish dominance over my dog, and Tesla isn’t wanting any of that. He just wants to play.” At that point, the dog’s owner walked to the other side of the park, and he followed. Finally, Tesla got a chance to have some play time.
Later on, we started talking with the owner of another cute Corgi named Pudding. Pudding wasn’t even fully 2 years and is so much longer than Tesla. The two of them were adorable, when they played. The only downside, is that as soon as the two of them started playing, that other dog came back and began antagonizing Tesla severely, again. Unfortunately, that also caused Pudding to not want anything to do with Tes, because it appears Pudding is a little bit afraid of bigger dogs. What really got frustrating was when I was trying to show Pudding’s owner how Tesla’s build is similar to Pudding’s, because they were telling me how they felt Pudding was overweight. When I called Tesla to me, to show how Tesla’s body is, the dog began trying to bite Tesla’s neck RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! At that point, I pushed him away, and just simply said “Okay, we’re having a conversation here, and you’re being rude.” (Now I know that dogs don’t really understand that, but I did it with the intent that his owner, who was within earshot, would have heard that and realized what was going on. Sadly, when I looked over, she was more concerned with getting pictures taken with her and the other dogs she thought was cute.) After I was done with Tesla, he tried to run over to the dog’s owner, as if to try to get her to get her dog off his back, but she paid no attention. That was at around the time that Josh asked if I wanted to head out, and I was like “Yeah”. As we were leaving, I called Tesla to me by saying “Come on Tesla. If he’s not going to leave you alone, then we’ll just go home. Come on, buddy!” And Tesla immediately followed us to the front door.
He was SUCH a good boy. Even though he snapped at the dog, he didn’t get aggressive towards the dog, or anything. He also knew exactly what to do by coming to me if he needed me to intervene. He responded to every one of my calls, including when I had to recall him because he wasn’t paying attention.
I don’t normally make posts like this, because this feels a bit like a “Am I the asshole?” post, but it was just really frustrating. I didn’t want to cause a big scene by asking the lady to get her dog off mine. But evidently she didn’t quite get the message, the first time, when I told her that her dog was attempting to dominate Tesla.

After that, we headed home and decided to grab a bit for lunch from a place called La Pupusa Loca, which is this little place that has the biggest Pupusas I’ve ever seen! One of them was filling enough for Cecily and I to eat a quarter each, and the other two quarter slices I was able to save for lunch.
After lunch, we took care of our grocery shopping before going home. Cecily and I hung out that evening watching a Christmas movie, before she headed to bed.
Once Ces went to bed I hopped on the Xbox and hung out with Canadian in party, while playing Modern Warfare 2. We had our best game, ever, that night because we camped our way to our FIRST Team Duos victory! It was pretty freaking epic, too. Canadian and I were left against one other team, and we were hiking up a mountain side as the circle was closing. One opponent came out from behind a truck and opened fire on us. I turned and took the guy down, at the same time he took me down. As that happened, Canadian came back and took that guy out. At the same time he took that guy out, the other team member took me out, and clearly did NOT see Canadian on the other side. At that point, Canadian turned around and killed the last guy, clenching us the victory! It was freaking epic! I don’t normally get into games like this, but I definitely find more enjoyment when running with friends that I can communicate well with.