Crazy days

The past few days have been a bit nuts and I haven’t really written regularly because of it.

Everything’s been a bit overwhelming with all the shit that’s been goin on.

Thursday was a crazy one. I started out by taking my wife to work and then heading out to pick up the Nellis order. I got back home and then had to get ready for two scheduled secret shops. So soon as I got home I put everything in the apartment to go through later and head out to the first appointment.

Soon as I got there I had to call, first, to be let into the parking lot. Then at the moment I was parking I got a call from the front office. They told me that the people to replace our patio door were ready to be let in. So I had to quickly tell the appointment that I had to leave and I had to reschedule for the following week.

Soon as I got home I waited for just a little bit before I went to the front office to ask about the door people. When I got there I was told they only came to take measurements to send out, to which I responded “Did they lose the measurements they took last month?”

Needless to say I was a bit irritated because they were supposed to be here with the door and I got pulled away from a job for them to just take fucking measurements. So I went back to the apartment and since I had to reschedule my appointments for the day I just went through the Nellis finds.

Sadly the skates were too tight and my toes were right up against the front of the boot. So they weren’t going to work out at all. In fact, this one didn’t really have much success. I got another lamp to go on Cecily’s desk, but it was cheaply made and snapped too easily. And then I got something for the back seat to give Josh a cable for his phone when we happen to go on long trips. However, the USB-C plug was damaged and not worth trying to risk plugging into a phone. So I had to set them to go back.

After that Josh came over to hang out for a bit and then head to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Sadly we got there right before he started his class and couldn’t wait the half hour for it to end, so we had to come back home so he could go home to cook and I pick up my wife. After that I went to pick up Josh and he went with me to this month’s ALNH event.

The event had great energy, but the talk wasn’t, in my opinion, one of our better ones. But I was thankful to get the chance to speak with the speaker given that he is a software engineering manager at Google. It was an awesome opportunity to get a chance to actually speak with someone in the organization, and I hope I get the chance to meet him virtually in the future, to talk more.

A storm hit during the event but it passed by the time to head home. After the event I dropped Josh off and came home to do some stuff on the computer for a bit before bed.

Friday I tried to wake up in time for a networking event that I hadn’t been to in some time. Unfortunately, the storm cancelled it when I was getting ready to head out in the morning. So at that point i just sat up on the computer doing more work until it was time for the tutoring session.

The session went really great, and I think the student is really happy with the guidance I’m providing. They even wanted to schedule our next session early, so I’ve got them set for Monday.

After that I heated up lunch and did some more chores around the house before heading out to The Smoke Station to talk to them about the Lookah stand. I printed another one for them to use for display and see if anybody would have interest in purchasing it for the dab straws. Hopefully people will be interested in it for their pieces to keep them standing upright.

During the day I checked in on the family that got hit harder by the storm.

My sister and her family lost power but were safe with our parents’ dog, while they are away.

My folks’ place was hit with a tornado nearby. The house didn’t suffer much damage, but they’ve been without power for about 48 hours, and nobody has a key to get in. Soooooooo, the only choice we’ve got is to wait for power to return so we can go through the garage.

That night I got in for another stream. I just played Arena that evening. I had one fucking stupid win after the tweaks I made to Sultai Show and Tell by adding Born on the Wind into it.

(I’ll insert the clip of that win here later)

Then I wrapped up the night chatting with the streamer I raided after mine. He’s a cool dude, MercurioBlue. He also plays Magic the Gathering Arena and we discussed in his chat the idea of scheduling a SpellTable game at a time that works for him. I think that’d be freaking dope and I’m hoping some of my friends are able to join in. After chatting with Mercurio I decided to wrap for the night and head to bed.

This morning started out with the possibility of going to my parents’ place, but power still hasn’t returned. So we woke up and Josh met us at our place to go to the grocery pick-up followed by the chiropractor and then breakfast. After breakfast we came home to hang out while we figured out what was going on for dinner.

It was at that moment that I was sitting down browsing the internet when all of a sudden my computer just died. My EVGA PSU completely shit the bed. So I had to scramble to head to Microcenter to hurry and get a replacement put in so I could make my tutoring appointment on Sunday.

We managed to get there and I snagged a GSkill 850 W Gold fully modular PSU that was open-box for 50% of the regular price, and was the best deal we could find for a good and reliable power supply. We got home and managed to quickly get it hooked up, while also completely cleaning up the cable management in my case. Now it looks like it was made by somebody that half knows what they’re doing. LoL.

Thankfully the beast reawakened with the new powersupply without issue. After that Josh headed home to get ready for dinner and I figured out dinner with Ces. We decided to grab our favorite close by restaurant, A&N Halal Kitchen. I was wanting the Nali Biryani, which is their best dish. Unfortunately they only had one, so naturally that means the wife gets it if she wants it. *pffft* I got the mutton biryani, which is always also amazing in flavor.

We took our food to Mimi and Papa’s where we had dinner with everybody and sat around and visited with Josh’s mom and dad while they talked about their power being out for the past few days due to the storm.

After dinner Ces and I came home and just hung out. She’s been playing Skyrim on her PC while I sat down watching Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts on Netflix and started typing my catchup post for today. LoL.

I’ll be thankful when I can find something that has me working a fulltime regular work schedule so I can try to get back to normal. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to wind down to get ready for Sunday’s lesson.

Have a good one, y’all.

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