Author: Malak Trebek
After 10 years in the IT industry, a lot of soul searching, and a lot of free time I've decided to begin building something that's uniquely mine. Problem is, I keep having so many freaking ideas, now! This is a space for me to blog about those ideas, and track if any of those ideas actually grow into what I originally envisioned they'd be.
I’m back, bitches!
After some difficulties with the old server, I managed to get migrated to a new…
13 min
Calling all bullies!
Now that I have your attention, let’s start weeding you out first. Now pay attention,…
5 min
Turbulent Tuesday
Today was fucking exhausting, and I didn’t even really do a lot. I started out…
Memorial Day Weekend
Ooooooookay, so this weekend’s been busy as hell and I’ve barely had the energy to…
Fuck Around Friday
Today was pretty restful, which is good considering tomorrow. Woke up taking my wife to…
Secret shops and streams
Things have been picking up a bit for me this past week. Tuesday I had…