Alright, I know it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. It’s really hard for me to keep interest in something for too long, lately. And it’s especially hard to want to write and other things like that.
In 2023, we went on our first cruise. We had a lot of fun, and it had to have been the most relaxing time I’ve had in a while. It was a 5 day cruise to
I managed to finally find a job. It took several months, but I started a role in May of 2023 doing Tech Support Engineering. It was a step down, but the culture and co-workers were amazing.
I gained a wealth of knowledge messing with new server operating systems that I hadn’t worked with, before. I managed to get a whole knew wealth of experience to add to my resume.
Things were going really great in the role. By the time I came out of my 90 day evaluation, I was told by my manager that he’d have my back for any promotion I went up for, on account of how quickly I picked up the role. I was super excited to be able to learn a new role in a new organization.
Sadly, my 90 day evaluation didn’t come right on time. It was closer to being there for 6 months, before it was able to be done. Unfortunately, 3 days after that I received notice of lay-off. I was let go a few weeks before Thanksgiving. After that, the holidays happened.
With everything that’s been going on, I still did some baking and things like that. So I still had things being added to Malak’s Beerkery IG profile.
Also, I got more back into Magic the Gathering, with my friends. We started meeting up on Friday’s, at a local shop, to play some games. It’s been getting me back into that a bit more. So much so that I picked up a Stanley Deep Pocket Small Parts organizer, around Christmas, and also found an STL file for 3d printed deck boxes to fit into it and replace the little buckets it comes with. I’m going to be creating deck boxes that are color coded, to go into it. My cousin made my first one, in white. I’m gonna have several other colors, too.
The Magic meet-ups have been a real help with trying to control my anxiety during this job search. That and I also think my new meds that I’ve been trying. I was lucky to have found a good doctor, before the lay-off, and I had started trying it before the lay-off even happened. Thankfully, she gave me a small supply to hopefully hold me until I have insurance back to resume seeing her.
I’ve been trying to figure other thing out, during this transitional period, too. I’d love to continue baking, however prices are too inflated that I don’t think that’s anything I can immediately do. But I’ll still try to build into that, one day.
However, my best friend and I have been discussing things, and we’re trying to go back into business for ourselves. We’ll be providing IT services to those that need it. Helping small businesses that need help with their IT, but don’t have the staffing for any internal IT. Assisting customers that need help with their personal IT needs, but don’t feel like the usual IT support they get is listening to them. And just using all our combined technical experience to help whomever we can. So that will likely be starting pretty soon.
In addition to that, with all the Magic that I have been playing I’ve been considering getting back into streaming on the MalakTrebek Twitch Channel. If I do I’m gonna start with MTG Arena, while I work to get something that can let me hook up a camera to my coffee table. Then I’ll get on some SpellTable with an old friend of mine from my High School days. I’ll probably try to stream the SpellTable games, too. That I think would be fun, if we were all hanging out in a party. LoL.
Anyways, so I donno what dafuq I’m going to do, honestly. Right now I’m just trying to find that direction again. There’s a few more ideas going on, right now, too. But I’m not going to talk about them until the time is ready to.