Fuck Around Friday

Today was pretty restful, which is good considering tomorrow.

Woke up taking my wife to work for her final day at her *cough* wonderful job to go back to where she worked when we first got married. I’m really happy she’s going back, because the treatment was far better. I really liked her former boss and his work ethic, compared to the new job.

She wanted to head to Tim Horton’s for breakfast and then off to work. After dropping her off I went back home and ate my breakfast while watching tv and started taking some tests that Josh showed me. I took two of the tests on https://embrace-autism.com before my tutoring session and just the first test said I was possibly autistic with a score that’s double that of a normal neurotypical. Then the second test was an even higher than average score. So that kind of got me just reflecting on a lot of my childhood and youth that helped me better understand why I felt like everybody hated me for reasons I couldn’t understand.

After that I got ready for my day’s tutoring session. The session went really well and I’m scheduled to see them again on Monday. After the session my sister texted me and we started chatting. I told her about the tests I’d been taking, and what it said. When I told her, the next thing I got was a call from her with the first question being “How does that make you feel?” which threw me off, because in my mind the introduction of a name to something, even like Autism, isn’t really something that evokes feeling to me. It just kind of explains a FUCK ton. LoL.

So we chatted a bit about all that. I explained to her that I wasn’t taking this as fact, but was definitely going to discuss it in my next psych appointment I’ve got coming up. LoL.

After chatting with Erica, Josh called me to chat and also aske me how I was feeling about the discovery. I told him “The best thing I can tell you about how this makes me feel, is as though file aut101.dll has been inserted into my device manager and cleared up a whole lifetime of I/O errors I never understood why existed.” LMFAO.

He and I got to chatting about how his dad was wanting to do the fence tomorrow, and I had to figure out what was going on with our plans before I could say I’d be there.

At that point I had to change my plans a bit, so I decided to head out to pick Josh up to get an adjustment before tomorrow, since we’ll need to be there before the chiro opens, and we won’t be able to make it back in time to get there before he closes. After that we came back to my place to chill and smoke a bit while we looked at what we may want off https://nellisauctions.com so we can pick it up when we leave Jim’s tomorrow. We hung out for a bit afterwards until he was ready to head home to cook dinner, so I grabbed Tesla and went to drop him off.

After that I went to pick Cecily up from her work and head home to figure out dinner.

When we got home we decided to go out to MoMo Sushi for dinner. I absolutely love their smoked salmon because they smoke it with cherry wood. Today I decided to get their honey shrimp, which was freaking delicious. The shrimp are freaking huge!

After dinner Ces and I hung out to look a bit more at the Nellis site while watching some episodes of Bob’s Burgers in my office while I got ready for tonight’s stream. We got on tonight for a game of SpellTable. My good buddy Flamelord712 joined the game with 2 others. I played my Szarekh deck, but we all kinda got pwned by a Boros Auras decklist that was pretty fucking nutters with the shit it was doing.

It was good to hang out with Flamelord and wish him happy birthday in tonight’s game. After the game he and I hung out chatting in the Discord for a little bit while he helped me fix something on the channel rewards, before I got off to get ready to wind down for sleep after writing this.

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