Things have been picking up a bit for me this past week.
Tuesday I had a secret shop to go do, so we started the day out with me taking Ces to work so I could take her car. I decided to head out from there to go to Nellis and grab my items. This time I got a few lamps to try to add better lighting in Cecily’s nook, as well as a strike pack for the XBox controller by Collective Minds, and a photo box to take well lit product photos with.
The color changing floor lamp that I got was one that you put in a corner to illuminate the walls. Unfortunately that one had to go back because it’s missing the power brick and the remote. The other lamp is a desk clamped snake head LED lamp that Cecily says works great for her needs. So the floor lamp’s going back but now she’s got the lamp she wants to fit her needs.
The Collective Minds Strike Pack looked cool in theory. When I started trying to mess around with it, it still looks need but overly complicated for me. It turns the controller into a wired controller by plugging the piece into the battery compartment. There’s a specialized plug to plug the controller into the device, and then you plug a cable from the bottom of the device into the console. Once turned on, you can apparently locate the device with the mobile phone app, and then modify the trigger buttons beneath the device. I couldn’t quite get the app figured out, and plus I didn’t like that I couldn’t seem to get it to connect to work as a wired PC controller. That was a little disappointing. So I returned that one, too.
The photography booth, however, I did keep. It’s big and has a really nice LED ring a the top. I’m hoping to use it to take nice photos of things like the Lookah Seahorse stand I printed to be sold up at The Smoke Station. So I’m hoping to one day take a picture of their nice limited edition Seahorse on my stand and I’ll share on here.
When I got home from the Nellis pickup I had to get ready to go back out for a secret shop survey, so I headed back out to take care of that before heading back to my home. The tour went well and was pretty quick, so I managed to get home before Noon.
After that I pretty much just worked on sites and searched for full-time work while waiting for time to go get Josh and then Cecily. We headed to the back crack after she got off work so that we could come back home and she cook dinner for us.
While she was cooking dinner Josh and I dug into my new PC and with his help fixed all the issues with missing drivers and everything like that for the PC. So now everything’s running really smoothly. That took us through dinner and pretty much into the evening where I was damn near passing out on the couch. LoL. Cecily baked chicken to go with our leftover mashed potatoes to eat, so we ate while waiting for some updates to finish, and then we got back to it. Once that was all done I was getting hella tired so I took Josh home and got ready for bed.
Wednesday I had another session with one of my new students. As far as I can tell with this one, it’ll be the last session I have with her, as starting from this point on I’m working as their website developer. According to her, she said after the second tutoring session with me she told her husband she no longer wanted to have me teach her to do it, she wanted me to do it because she had faith I could. I was tremendously flattered when I heard that and I’m so happy to be taking my second official website client, for a Liquor Store in Canada.
After that Josh needed to go to Diablo’s shop to get brakes done on Mimi’s car, so I decided to drop the car off with Cecily, so she could drive home, while I rode with him. So we got out to the shop and hung out for a while before and after he worked on the brakes. It’s always a good time hanging out with Diablo.
When Diablo ripped into the car he took a look at the brake pads. The fuckers at Midas told Josh that he had millimeters left on the pad before he hit metal. So we were trying to get it done asap, because of what they said. When he showed us the pads, they were only about half worn! That wasn’t so bad, except for the fact that they also said he needed new rotors cuz they were fucked up! So that’s why Josh won an auction off Nellis for both a pair of rotors and two sets of pads for $22! In addition to that, they also told him a part needed to be replaced cuz of a crack, that he was also told was perfectly fine! So whatever fuckin Midas he took his car to, I’m planning to avoid, and so should you. They either blatantly lied to him to try to get more money, or they don’t know what they’re checking. Either way, still gonna go to the dude that actually talks to me about my car.
After we were done at Diablo’s we headed over to Third Coast Smoke Shop to see how they were after the storm that hit. I was happy to hear they were very fortunate to have power returned very early, due to being on the same grid as the hospital. So they weren’t impacted too much. We chatted with them and I also introduced them to a sample site I made to just start something for them, since they’ve still yet to have a new site launched. They still haven’t agreed to go with me, but I think they now see how quickly I can get it done for them, so fingers crossed.
When we were done with that Josh dropped me off at home so I could have dinner and wrap up my day.
I got home around the same time Ces got back from work, too. When I got home we discussed dinner and decided to have me go out to get what we need for grilled cheese to go with the spicy tomato soup I picked out. I got that with a few flavors of ice cream to eat for dessert, too. When I got home I was a bit pissed that the smoked gouda cheese that I got was molded. So I had to head back to replace it.
When I got home she had the sandwiches made and we sad down to eat before I had to start the night’s stream. I was really surprised that the spicy tomato soup I got was spicy as FUCK! After dinner I got on and streamed a bit of Arena before the guys called me to join them for a round of SpellTable. So I shifted to SpellTable mid-stream for a 4 man game of Commander. I didn’t really do too well with Caesar for the night.
After that I hopped off to get ready for bed.
Then this morning Ces decided to drive herself to work. I totally forgot when I was asleep that I had a secret shop scheduled for the morning. But that wasn’t a big issue since my car’s still working. I just don’t care to drive it if I don’t have to. I woke up a bit late so I really only had time for a banana before heading out the door for the secret shop.
Once I got back from the appointment I sat down to do some more work and job searching. A friend got in touch with me who has offered me a referral to be the IT manager for a local public school. I think I could definitely handle that, so I’m totally gonna put my resume in! So fingers crossed. In addition to that she has also offered me a tremendous amount of help making my websites look better, which I greatly appreciate.
After that I just did cleaning around the house before I was gonna get dinner started when Cecily got home. I totally forgot that today was Thursday, and so I took my time getting dinner started until she reminded me about the chiro after dinner. I made a lemon garlic butter scallops with spaghetti noodles. But I decided to add to it by cooking a bell pepper in the butter and scallops. The flavors tasted pretty great.
After dinner we headed to pick up Josh and go to the chiropractor for a quick adjustment before I could get home to get on a Throwback Thursday stream and play the original Fallout. Tonight I managed to get a bit further in the game, buuuuut I still died when trying to do a caravan and make money. LoL. I’m gonna be stuck on this game for a fucking minute, I think.
After that I hopped off to begin writing, and now I’m gonna get headed to bed. L8r y’all.